
Showing posts from December, 2020

Is there any attitude in your confinement lady?

 You have to check the qualifications of any confinement lady invited to your home, but will you check their attitude also? Too many potential parents spend substantial amounts of time making sure that their confinement nanny has the knowledge and experience required to properly care for an infant, while failing check the attitude of the lady. Your confinement lady will become a family member r an extended period of time. If they have a tendency not to listen to others or have a negative attitude, hey will bring a negative vibration into your house. If they have a positive attitude and are caring, they will bring a positive vibration into your family.  Sadly, most of the maid services may appear loving and pleasant and loving when they are interviewed for a short span of time. You might sometime come across a freelance nanny, who is not pleasant right from the beginning, but most of them will put on smile while trying to safeguard a new position. This implies that these unsuspecting

The requirement of Post Natal Massage

Newly mothers always want to know when they can get back to their pre-pregnancy figure. They have to recuperate from the changes in the body and childbirth.  Special meals are cooked for recuperation right from childbirth to recuperate from the changes in the body. Therefore we need to hire a massager to offer post natal massage.   Post natal massage is a conventional treatment which has been passed on through various generations and even practiced today and it is generally done in the convenience of your own home. The stress caused by child birth and the time spent caring for the newborn is hectic on your body. Hence, this type of message not only gives emotional support and fostering to assist the mothers gain back the lost energy, it also restores the body to its pre-pregnancy condition by maintaining the muscles and the connective tissue.  Other advantages of post natal massage comprise of: 1. Exfoliate dead cells and regenerate renewal of skin 2. Promote blood circulation in t