The advantages of Baby Massage

Baby massage is a lovely trend with numerous advantages both for the baby and the parent. Just as massage helps in reducing ailments and propels health in adults, baby massage will enhance our baby’s well being. The advantages gained from baby massage are mental physical and beneficial both for the baby and the parents. 

The emotional, mental and physical advantages of Baby Massage give a baby a great kickoff in life. The caring touch of a mother or father stimulates the growth of the baby. The massaging and touching action stimulates the release of growth hormones and enhances the enzymes that make cells respond to the hormones. This is why animals and infant humans won’t grow unless they are touched by their parents. Apart from regular growth, brain growth is also affected by soft touch.

The present notion is that massage or touch enhances the development of myelin, which insulates neurons and makes the nerve impulse work faster. Hence, you can make your baby smarter through massage. Digestion is another aspect that is benefited by the improved secretion of digestive hormones. This is great news for those parents whose babies are suffering from colic pain and this kind of massage can provide the baby relief from such pain. This is where a professional Nanny Agency can really benefit you. 

In this respect, the advantages of baby massage are also felt by the parents. It is incredible for the daddies if the mothers are absent temporarily to connect with their infant child. It helps them to overcome the barriers by setting a reliable relationship between the child and the parent and is perfect for beginning that relationship. A Confinement Nanny may also prove to be beneficial in this situation.


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