Relish the joy of Baby Massage

Baby Massage is the perfect way that paves the way to your baby’s heart. It is because during the initial months, touch is the only language that babies realize. Your calm and tender touch makes the baby feel safe and that works as a medium of communication between you and your baby. This also strengthens the bond between you and your baby, ensuring unlimited treasures and pleasures. 

Babies are really cute hence you kiss them, cuddle them, embrace them, and hold them as long as possible. In a way, baby massage can prove to be the best way of communication, a form that not only safeguards your baby but also stimulates healthy growth of the baby. When you gently rub every part of your baby in a rhythmic way, you’ll find that you will start on a new and lovely journey with your baby. 

Baby massaging is an easy way to keep the baby feel secured. This ensures a complete sense of security as the baby enters a complete new world after living for quite some time in the womb of the mother. In the external world, there are new hopes, new faces and a completely new ambiance. A professional nanny agency can definitely help you in this respect. 

Babies are born with a specific set of reflexes. With massaging through the home maid services available, you can also trigger some of the reflexes such as rooting reflex, moro reflex, grasp reflex, and tonic neck reflex. Moro reflex works under a loud noise or a sudden change in position, rooting reflex happens when the cheek gets stroked, grasp reflex is triggered when you message the baby’s hands, and tonic neck reflex works when the head of the baby is turned to a side. Baby massaging along with tickles, smiles, and much laughter makes your baby much more vibrant. 


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