Brief About Confinement Nanny And Post-Natal Massage

 If you are going to hire a nanny to come into your house and assist you and care for your newborn baby, you will want to make sure you receive the most value for the money. Although you may grow to love your nanny as if she were a natural member of your family, it is still a business deal.

A confinement nanny is there to assist you in caring for yourself as well as your child. In fact, many people feel that the nanny’s primary responsibility should be to look after the new mother so that she can care for her kid on her own after the confinement time is over. This implies that you should think about your wants from the nanny rather than merely listing the chores you want the nanny to perform for your newborn baby.

You will, for example, have the nanny assist you with midnight sessions to bring the baby back to sleep, but you may also require sleep assistance. As a result, the nanny may agree to look after the baby while you take naps as needed. You’ll naturally hire a confinement nanny to assist you in correctly feeding the baby, but you should also ask her to make some nutritious meals for you. You won’t be able to prepare all of your meals on your own, at least not at first.

It is normally safe for a mother who has delivered her baby naturally to get a post natal massage. If you had a caesarian section, be sure to speak with a competent massage therapist or your doctor first. Most doctors would advise you to wait a few more weeks before getting a post-natal massage.

For the new mother, post-natal massage creates a sense of ongoing comfort. The purpose of this massage is to provide caring and emotional support as well as to relieve the muscle tension associated with labor and deliveries. Some post natal massage therapies include a detoxifying process that helps to eliminate post-partum bagginess in the midriff.


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