Does a confinement lady always require a confinement nanny?

 It is quite common for a confinement lady to hire a nanny before delivering her baby, but there are some women now questioning whether this is truly required. Do you have to hire a nanny, or is it possible to survive this period of your life without that extra assistance? For beginners, it is vital to point out that a nanny is much more than just some extra assistance. 

What you don’t know may hurt you

Regardless how many babies she has had, a confinement lady never knows everything. There are numerous different things that may happen after you have a baby and you never know what or when these things will happen. She may have five very healthy pregnancies and experience almost similar things in confinement each time. 

Just get your rest

At least, a confinement nanny is important to make sure that the lady gets sufficient sleep to feel good and take care of her baby. If there is nobody else in the home to take care of the baby so the new mother can get some rest, then a nanny is someone who can take professional care of the baby so sleep can be ensured on a regular basis. 

Every pregnant lady does require a nanny, no matter how many times she has been pregnant. There is no assurance that things will go very smoothly or that everything will be just the same as they were in previous confinement periods.

You require a nanny to make sure proper health of your baby and your own body. There is much stake here and you should never take hazards in this department. Bring in your confinement nanny before becoming pregnant and you will have a happy, healthy baby and get sufficient rest. With a nanny, you can have everything. 


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